

What is pollarding?

This is the removal of the leading shoots of a tree. Pollarding is an important part of tree care and is usually established at an early age to maintain the tree’s existence and reduce its overall size.  The new branches are then removed periodically in a ‘cycle’ which will restrict the crown’s overall height and spread. This could be used where you need to keep the tree to a certain size, or to stop trees interfering with wires and cables if on the street.

The best time to pollard trees is during late autumn and winter. This is to allow the tree time to recover and rejuventate ready to flush in the summer. You can pollard in the summer months, but be aware this can result in poor growth as they do not have time to rejuventate before the winter months as well as being affected by the heat, lack of rainfall or shade cast by the neighbouring trees.

One of our expert team members will be happy to go through your options with pollarding.

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