Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and Conservation Areas

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

and trees in Conservation Areas.

What is a TPO and how can we help?

A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by the local planning authority against a tree, group of trees or woodland which prohibits any work to be completed on those tree/s without prior, written consent by that planning authority. This includes felling, reductions, pollarding, thinning, or anything that would damage the tree/s or roots. As the owner of the tree it is your responsibilty to adhere to the conditions of the TPO and there can be heavy fines if you are found to have completed any works without the relevant permissions.

However, we can help. We will discuss the work you would ideally like completed during the quotation visit, and our team will go through what we feel would be feasible under the limitiations of the TPO. We then complete all TPO applications, using our years of knowledge and experience to apply for work we feel will realistically be given permission, whilst keeping what you want in mind, with a view to getting the best outcome as quick as possible.

Unfortunately it is not possible to apply for 'carte blanche' tree work on a TPO'd tree, you must apply for very specific works to be completed, which is why using professionals like us gives you the best chance of success. Once permission is granted, we will complete the work as outlined by the local planning authority. We do recommend applying for TPO work as soon as possible, as the permissions generally take around 8 weeks to come through.

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